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May 14, 2008

How to edit the Windows Vista registry

Now that we've backed up the registry, let's look at how to edit it. As mentioned previously, several of the following tips require the registry to be changed, so it's a good idea to get to know the process now.

To edit the Windows Vista registry:

Open the 'start' menu and type 'regedit' in the search box. Hit Enter.

This will open the Regedit program which we will use for any tips that require a registry edit. To navigate in Regedit, use the directory tree in the left hand pane.

The folders in this view are known as registry 'keys'. Keys can contain other 'subkeys' and sets of values which affect the function of Windows Vista. During this tips article we will be creating both new keys and new values.

To create a registry key:

Right click on an empty area of the right-hand pane and choose 'new/key'. Give the newly created key the name specified in the tip. Note that no saving is necessary. Once a change is made to the registry, it's made.

To create a registry value:

Though there are several types of registry values that can be created, the only one we are going to deal with in this article is the DWORD value type. To create one, navigate to the appropriate registry key and subkey as specified in the tip you are following, then right click on an empty area of the right-hand pane and choose 'new/DWORD value'.

Give the new value the specified name, click 'ok', then double click on the newly created DWORD to edit it. Enter the value again as specified in the tip you are following. Click 'ok.' The Windows registry hasn't changed much since WindowsXP.

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